26 January 2009

Clippy and hClipboard give you copy and paste on the iPhone AND choice!

If you have a jailbroken iPhone you now have not 1 but 2(!) choices through which you can implement global cut and paste. Now I have to say that I can't believe how much fuss some people have made about the iPhone's lack of this feature, which in the scale of things is pretty minor compared to a number of other omissions, but nonetheless it's a handy feature to have. And the good news is both Clippy and hClipboard. although very fresh releases, seem to work and work pretty well. And such high profiles apps are likely to be bug-fixed and tweaked quickly, so they'll only get better.

I'm fiddling with bith of them as we speak, and will get back to you with my opinions shortly. Clippy is very straightforward and requires no setup, but has less features. hClipboard has a multi-item clipboard, a template system and is a real powerhouse, but requires a little more setup through your iPhone's keyboard settings.

I won't go into all the details, because Michael at HighTechDad has already done that better than I would have, but I'll come back with my recommendation soon. The bottom line though, is that my iPhone just got a little better, and there's yet another reason to jailbreak. In fact, there are now minus 10 reasons not to Jailbreak!


WARNING: If you're running IntelliScreen, as I am, you may need to go into its Performance setting and turn on Clippy and iKeyEx respectively to get these apps to work.

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