13 March 2009

Great article on iPhone ebook readers at Macworld

The iPhone e-book readers' guide | Software | iPhone Central | Macworld

I've looked at a few of these apps and I think they all look a bit clunky. It's all well and good being able to change type sizes and faces, but you can't do that in a real book. Indeed, you wouldn't want to because highly trained book designers create the pages to be readable and select type to convey the text in a certain way. That's part of a book to my mind, and much of the pleasure of reading goes with it. None of these apps seem to really honour the book designers' art.

I've settled on using Stanza myself, but the iPhone screen is still a bit small for comfortable reading. I tend to read over lunch and the constant page turning is annoying, as is tendency for grease from the burgers to build up on my screen. At the end of the day nothing beats a good 'real' book, though I love the free Shakespeare app in the AppStore.

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